Buy to Let Property in Chiang Mai

Date Saturday, February 11
Time 9am – 1pm (join us for lunch afterwards at a local Thai restaurant)
Location Canaan Foundation, Mae Khue (near Bo Sang, 15km east of Chiang Mai City)

฿5,000 includes snacks, free-flowing coffee/tea/drinks

This is a fund-raising seminar for foreigners interested in buying property – focusing on Chiang Mai – as a form of investment and rental income.

We will also cover other aspects of owning property – outside of Chiang Mai and/or to live in as a primary residence, and also to build a house (or dormitory-style property for renting) from scratch.

The hosts are all foreigners who have lived in Thailand for many years and have personal experience in buying and renting property in Chiang Mai.

The seminar will begin with a kind of panel discussion, sharing experiences, tips and traps. And then we will simply have an informal Q&A discussion.

We will also explore the possibility of registring a “property investment” company (possibly under the BOI) to allow for the legal 100% ownership and protection of your property/ies.

As directors of Canaan Foundation, we also have extensive (albeit “amateur”) experience in buying, selling and renting property, as well as building and refurbishment. We can hold your hand through the entire process of searching, purchasing, renting and selling your property.

DISCLAIMER: We can only share our personal experience as fellow property investors and introduce you to others with similar interests. You are responsible for your own due diligence. We do not offer legal advice and we are not realtors or property developers. 


This particular seminar will focus primarily on buying property to let, as an investment and to generate a rental income – and specifically in Chiang Mai only. (The issues we will cover will obviously also be the same for other parts of Thailand.)

If you’re only interested in buying property for yourself to live in then this may not interest you much, although many of the issues about ownership will be the same. (We’ll run a different seminar another time to address private home ownership in particular.)

The speakers are experienced investors who have bought, developed, rented and sold their own property in Chiang Mai.

It’s a great networking opportunity if you are seriously considering buying property to let in Chiang Mai.

It’s also a fundraising effort for Canaan Foundation for Education  (coz only people about to invest millions of baht into buying property would be prepared to pay the requested donation)! 😂 And we’re only inviting serious investors as the information we will discuss isn’t for general public knowledge.

If you can’t attend in person then you can do so via Zoom.